Academic and Career Concerns
A number of students at BYU will struggle to meet the heavy acadmic demands of a rigorous university. Help is available to these individuals. Additionally, many students experience stress related to choosing an academic or career focus. Many students enter BYU without a career direction and may benefit from career exploration, which can occur in a variety of ways such as career advising, career testing, internships, career classes and career workshops. As students approach graduation, they may experience a sense of fear about the prospect of leaving school and getting a career position or selecting a graduate school. Some start to approach this transition by gathering information and exploring options as freshmen, sophomores, and juniors while others wait until their senior year. The campus offers many resources that help with these challenges.
Academic Support Office
• Help students who are experiencing academic difficulties
• Assist individuals in understanding University policies regarding acceptable academic performance (GPA of 2.0)
• Help students on academic warning, probation, or suspension work towards graduation
• Overseeing Academic Improvement Plans
• Help students and parents understand registration blocks due to academic performance and requirements for having blocks removed
• Provide individual peer coaching for students to create accountability and assist with development of academic skills
University Advisement Center
• Help students choose a major and minor
• Relating majors and careers
• Understanding university core/general education requirements
• Improving study skills
• Course selection and registration
• Help refer students to correct offices on campus (Scholarship, Records, Advisement Centers, Freshmen Mentoring, etc.)
• Help refer students to available resources for graduate school
• Help Open Major students complete their Academic Improvement Plans
• A starting point for advisement and referrals for non-traditional and other special populations with defined advisement needs who seek to further their education at BYU
• Inform students about student development courses such as Career Exploration, Effective Study and Learning, Surviving and Thriving at BYU, and Test Preparation and Test Taking Strategies
• Provide initial career advisement and career interest inventory interpretations
• Promote the value of internships, volunteer and paid work experience to students, both with and without majors, who seek help with making good career decisions and becoming employable upon graduation
Career and Academic Success Center
• A resource center for information about careers, majors, graduate school as well as learning and study skills
• Provides academic resources for undergraduate and graduate students
• Offers academic skill development workshops and courses
• Help students find and explore career resources
• Offers personality profiles and career assessments
• Help students interpret career inventory tests
• Connect students with other resources on campus
University Career Services
• Information for preparing for careers
• Assistance with resume writing and revision
• Interviewing etiquette, practice and skills
• Networking strategies
• Opportunities to connect with employers, such as career fairs
• Assist students in understanding how to use their major
• Job search strategies
• Internship resources
• Referral information for Alumni Career Resources
Preprofessional Advisement Center
• Preparation for careers in law, medicine, dentistry, business (MBA), and allied health professions (physical therapy, physician assistant, optometry, etc.)
• Provides more details about what to expect in a professional career
• Provides information about how to use BYU to prepare for professional training
• Provides resources for finding volunteer opportunities