Campus Resources Skip to main content

Campus Resources

Student at BYU have a wide range of resources available to them during their time here. The following is a list of links to departments that might be helpful to be familiar with and to which you could consider referring your student.

Academic Support Office

Career and Academic Success Center

o Career and Major research
o Workshops for Academic Success
o Career testing

College Advisement Centers

o Career and Major Advising
o Graduate School Advising
o Help choosing classes for students with Open Major or if changing a major

Counseling and Psychological Services

Dining Services

Financial Aid Office

o Scholarshipso Grants and loans
o Financial counseling

International Student Services

o Support for adjustment to the university and ongoing needs of international students
o Student Visas and regulations
o Classes for new international students to orient to the university and living in the U.S.

Multicultural Student Services

o Advisement and support for students from diverse backgrounds

Off-campus Housing

On-campus Housing

Pre Professional Advisement Center

o Preparation for law school, medical school, dental school, physical therapy, etc.
o Classes to prepare for these occupations

Stress Management and Biofeedback Services

Student Health Center

o Medical treatment
o Insurance questions

Student Wellness

University Accesiblity Center

o Academic accomodations for disabilities including emotional disorders

University Advisement Center

o Career and Major Advising
o Graduate School Advising
o Help choosing classes for students with Open Major or if changing a major

University Career Services

o Help with job seeking skills: resumes, interviewing, etc.
o Internship and job placement opportunities

Women's Services and Resources