Help for Students in Crisis Skip to main content


Tips for talking to others about their struggles:

◦Be direct

◦Talk to the person about what you have observed and why you are concerned

◦Express your concern clearly - make observations, not judgments

◦Be genuine

◦Try to stay focused on the person's feelings or needs. This situation might evoke anxiety for you, so it can be challenging to stay away from sharing your own anxiety, irritation or emotional reaction.

◦Listen...most people respond well to being heard and validated

◦Reflect what you hear, “What I hear you to be saying is __________.”

◦Show empathy, “That must be really tough for you.” or “It sounds like you’re feeling really overwhelmed.”

◦No judgments or assumptions

◦Do not underestimate the power of your connection to this person if you are close to him/her

Examples of direct questions:

“I’ve been noticing ________, how are you feeling?”

“Have you ever had a period in your life before now when you’ve felt this way?

“What do you know about depression/anxiety?”

“Do you have an eating disorder?”

“Has anyone in your family gone through this before?”

How to make a referral when my student is in crisis?

If a student is an immediate threat to self or others, call Campus Police at 801.422.2222.

If a student is in immediate need of assistance from a mental health counselor, please walk the student directly to our office (1500 WSC) at any time during the typical work day, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. and one of our counselors will meet with you and/or the student.

If the student, needing urgent assistance, is willing and able to walk in on their own, they can receive an immediate 'crisis' appointment with one of our counselors. Our regularly scheudled walk-in services are available from 10am to 4pm, Monday through Friday.